36 Hours in Chicago

There are these two fantastic girls in Chicago that I had the pleasure of spending lots of time with 2 summers ago (and at RIT, of course). But since then the NYC -> Chicago and whole work/life thing has gotten in the way. Last Friday, I flew out early for Thanksgiving in order to get some quality girl time in there! And holy cow was that needed.

Unfortunately Friday morning the airline texted to say that the flight was delayed by 2 hours. Not the best start to the trip but it ended up working out really well because Jon and I got to enjoy a spontaneous date night in Queens before I headed to the airport. We went to Sage’s General Store in Long Island City, a restaurant that we went to for his birthday in June. Had an Ithaca Beer and split a brick oven pizza with caramelized onions, roasted cauliflower, roasted potatoes (slivered) and various cheeses on it along with a 5 cheese Mac & Cheese on the side. Delicious all around and way better than the disappointing snack I was planning on consuming on the way to the airport.

Took off around 10:45 and touched down in Chicago by midnight. It was a quick 25 minute taxi ride to their apartment – decided to forgo the hour and 15 minute train ride after midnight through the city. Despite the 2 hour delay and how late it was, we set right down to catching up complete with wine, goat cheese and pita chips. Best way to kick off girls weekend! Ended up staying up until 3:45 Chicago time which felt like 4:45 to me. Yikes!

Since it was such a short time in Chicago, we had plans to head to brunch on Saturday by 8:30 to beat the rush and make the most of the day. After going to bed at 3:45, the alarm at 7 seemed quite loud. Got up anyway and boy was that breakfast worth it.


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We took the L one stop to Southport to go to Southport Grocery and Cafe a place known for their delicious brunch. Remy and I split a spinach omelet (that was filled with spinach artichoke dip) that came with sour cream mashed potatoes and apple cinnamon stuffed french toast. It was just as amazing as it sounds. The mashed potatoes were so so good that I’d go back just for those.


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From there we spent the next few hours wandering in and out of stores – mostly for warmth!! Did a whole lot of walking around in the old neighborhood that I spent the summer in. It was so crazy to be back and see how many things had changed in such a short time.

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Eventually we made it up to Bow Truss for some warmth and a cappuccino. Basically the whole weekend involved us drinking lots of warm beverages and finding new places to sit around and talk! Absolutely loved this little coffee shop – it was so cozy and the tables were all made out of old letterpress drawers.

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Since breakfast was so big and filling we skipped lunch but wanted a small snack – went to 2 Sparrows for a goat cheese cinnamon roll that Kristin had been raving about. It lived up to her description! So tasty even if the waitress thought we were crazy.

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From there we walked down to Lake Michigan – we were just a few blocks away at the time and I figured it wouldn’t be a trip to Chicago without at least a quick peek at it. I most definitely forgot about the fact that it’s colder right by the water!! Yikes! It was absolutely freezing but we managed to snap a few shots before running off for warmth.

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We had planned to go downtown for the lights festival that was supposed to happen around 6:30. After spending lots of time walking around outside we needed to spend a bit of time putting on warm clothes and defrosting before we headed down.

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However, you try to convince yourself to get out of a warm couch burrito of blankets, hand warmers and friends. Yep, not happening. We ended up ordering a deep dish pizza from the comfort of the couch which was a far better and warmer idea!

We did eventually make it out of the couch burrito to head to Guthrie’s (a bar new where Remy used to live). It became our favorite place when I was there over the summer because of their huge wall of board games. It was disappointingly packed and hard to order anything or even find a table but eventually did a played a few rounds of Jenga and Sorry. Walked a bit further down the street to find a less crowded sports bar. It ended up being an awesome choice because we ran into a ton of RIT alum and it became a big reunion and dance party.

Another late night of around 4 am made the 9am wake up difficult yet again but was oh so worth it. Went to Stella’s Diner just 2 blocks down from Remy & Kristin for breakfast. Remy and I shared again (it’s our habit of wanting savory & sweet and not being able to decide!). We had a breakfast bowl of hash browns on the bottom, roasted veggies, cheese and scrambled eggs and then blueberry pancakes!

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Headed across the street after breakfast to Intelligentsia Coffee for a chai latte – because it wouldn’t have been a trip to Chicago without that! Before long it was time to meet up with my parents and start the 4 hour drive north. Even though it was only about a 36 hour trip there it felt like we got to pack SO many things in and catch up on everything in person. The whole trip had me wishing to either move back to Chicago or just buy plane tickets there every weekend.

Thanks girls for an awesome weekend 🙂

2012 in Review

Last year at RIT, graduation, moving to Chicago, internship at Leo Burnett, long distance relationship, moving to NYC, accepting first full time job… I’d say this has been a pretty big year.

Looking back through photos that I’ve taken over the past year, I was struck by how many places I had been, people I had seen and things I’ve done. A blog is a rather nice way to compile everything together – and to think this one only started for my Chicago adventure!

January was kicked off by my final midterms for Winter Quarter. A crazy whirlwind of homework assignments, papers, projects and work. I’m sure I packed some fun things in there but for the time being, I can’t seem to remember. Lived with Kristin, Devan and a constantly rotating 3rd roommate. Many late nights ended in singing, piling into the living room in our PJ’s, making roommate dinners, doing homework together and going on adventures in Rochester.

April meant Jon leaving for NYC (which was probably one of the saddest days thus far). So incredibly hard to say goodbye and move him out of his apartment but little did we know that we’d be back in the same city (kind of) just months later! (If only I had been reassured of that at the time…). The next few months included lots of girl time with my awesome friends and lots of memories for my last months at RIT.

Took a trip in April in the middle of Spring Quarter to see Jon in NYC. Met with Carrot for the first time at Creativity Industry Day where I got to meet them in person and show my portfolio. Continued packing my days with last minute Rochester to do items (bike rides, yoga classes, exploring, public market). School continued on with projects to work on and portfolios to complete. Pretty sure my motivation levels were at an all time low.



May was a whirlwind of final projects, last classes (EVER), presentations, portfolio walkthroughs and wrapping things up at the admissions office. I can’t even begin to say how thankful I am for having that job for 4 years. Starting out as a freshman in the mailroom stuffing letters and four years later getting to work on 5 RIT Students behind the scenes with Ashley and everyone else really helped shape what I eventually wanted to do with my career. It definitely became more than just an on campus job. Looking back at it makes me realize just how many doors it opened and friends that I met through working there. Not to mention a good boost of self-confidence that comes with leading 50 people tours on Open House days.




The end of May brought graduation. The close of four years at RIT was bittersweet – I thoroughly enjoyed my four years there but definitely felt ready to move on and have new adventures. How about a giant thank you to Mom & Dad for their support over my four years there!!


Packed up all of my belongings (thanks mom, dad & Sarah) and left Rochester for the last time (at least so far..). Got home on Sunday and had a quick 4 days to unpack & resort items to get ready to move out to Chicago.

The short time home was not without a trip on June 1st back up to NYC to interview at Carrot Creative! Despite already having the internship at Leo Burnett set up for the summer, I was eager to meet with Carrot and see if something might happen for August when I was finished.  It was also a much needed weekend to see Jon for the last time before heading off to Chicago for the summer (two days later).


June 11th was my official 1st day at Leo Burnett. [If you recall, that was also the first day that this blog started. Which thankfully means that the year has been documented from then on. For such a crazy hectic eventful year, I’m loving having a written record of things that I have packed into it.]



In between work and sleeping, the summer was spent exploring everything there was to see in Chicago, crashing on Kristin’s couch for the summer, hanging out with Remy & Kristin, making new friends at Leo, playing volleyball on the beach, spending hours at coffee shops, swimming in Lake Michigan, trying new restaurants and learning to entertain myself and feel comfortable exploring on my own in a new city!


Definitely learned a boatload of things at Leo and am thankful for my time there, but one of the major things I learned this summer, is that it wasn’t for me! It was an awesome opportunity but the whole time I felt this constant nag that there was something else out there for me that was a much better fit.


Early August I began talking with Carrot Creative again and they officially offered me a job – just a week before my last day at Leo! A quick trip to Wisconsin to see my grandparents was made before packing all of my things up (AGAIN) and driving back to the East Coast. Frantic trip up to NYC to look for housing and then a week at home to finish packing for the big move up to Brooklyn.


The beginning of September was my first day at Carrot Creative and I haven’t looked back! I’m currently starting my fifth month there and I absolutely love it! It was also the end of the long distance relationship nonsense (yay!).


Since then, well… you’ve all been reading that day in and day out. Exploring NYC, loving Brooklyn, making friends, walking everywhere, hurricane Sandy, spilling coffee..

If you had told me 12 months ago that I would be writing my 2012 recap post from my very own yellow couch in Brooklyn the night before I head back to work, I probably would have told you that you were crazy.

I’m so incredibly thankful for all of the changes and new adventures that have happened this year & even more thankful for all of the family and friends who have been there along the way!

Here’s to an awesome 2012! Now let’s see what 2013 has in store.. 

32 Hours at Home

Headed east early Thursday morning to go back to Maryland. I drove for the first time since may. Let’s just say that I’m so glad I’m moving to the city and I probably didn’t make my parents very confident in my driving with my comments every once in a while 🙂 biggest thing was remembering that I was driving!! I’m so used to someone else driving the train or bus now so it was hard to remember that I was in charge of this large moving thing. Two hours into it I seemed to get the hang of it. But passed it off quickly!











Friday was my only day spent at home. We got back late Thursday night and after unpacking the car I quickly passed out. Friday was spent trying to organize my room, packing some more things, buying train tickets, signing job paperwork(!), and hanging out with my high school friends Alison and Megan! Breakfast was the best part of the day – dad and I picked some of their tomatoes! Yum! Hoping there are some left when I get back tomorrow.



Dinner was grilled veggies and salad, super tasty. Then an early bedtime because the alarm was set for 4:40am!


15 Hour Drive for Dinner

After hanging out with Remy on my birthday, I met up with my parents! Who had driven 15 hours from new jersey to Chicago for a birthday dinner 🙂 and to pick me up!

We walked around a bit and ended up going for a late dinner at mista down the street from my apartment. It was the same place we went after they moved me in ten weeks ago. Rounded out the night with some ice cream at Bobtail ice cream nearby!

Tuesday morning we woke up and met for a walk and some coffee! Saw tons of neat houses that we wanted to move into. And I finally got to take them to Next Door cafe where I had frequently skyped them from.




After a quick lunch at my favorite vegan restaurant in Chicago, native foods cafe, we headed north to Sheboygan to see grandma and grandpa. I tried to take in as much of the farmland as possible after a summer in the city and a move to yet another city coming up!




The two days in Wisconsin were fantastic. They were filled with chatting, walking around the neighborhood, eating grandmas cookies(!), and making (failed) rose hip tea. The second day was filled with a surprise visit from my aunt, uncle and cousin Alex! Had a tasty lunch at the excellent pizza place in Sheboygan and dinner with Mel and Shirley (family friends).






Wasn’t long before it was time to hop back in the car and head 15 hours back east to Maryland.

Cupcakes & a Swing

Note: These have been a busy few weeks. In an attempt to catch up to where my life actually is we’re going to go speed racer style through this. So expect a lot of posts today.

Anyway. Last Monday I turned 22. It just so happened to also be my last full day in Chicago. Remy decided to kindly take a “summer day”, Leo Burnett’s allotted vacation days, to come hang out with me!

In the morning, I was left to my own devices so rather than eating my usual oatmeal breakfast, I ventured to a nearby cafe and bakery which had tasty almond croissants. I wandered there the long way to enjoy the fact that I was not an early morning commuter and could go wherever I pleased. The walk eventually took me to my favorite coffee shop,Next Door, where I went frequently this summer. Two hours and a coffee later, i had finished a crossword and read the entire paper before it was time to meet up with Remy.




The day involved much walking. As in eight plus miles worth. It was a lot! But a fun way to see the city. You see, my bus pass ran out three days earlier and instead of buying another I just decided to walk wherever I needed to go for my remaining time there. For lunch we went to the local Mexican and margarita place down the street.


After lunch we walked from lake view all the way down towards the bottom of Lincoln park (and back) and the all the way up past Wrigley field to Remys apartment. One key stop along the way was Molly’s cupcakes, a cupcake shop in Chicago that won cupcake wars a while back! Not only did they have cupcakes but they had swings along the bar instead of seats!! Super cool!!! Remy brought candles and everything so it definitely felt like a birthday 🙂



The birthday continues…

The Day the Sleepover Ended

This summer has been one gigantic sleepover.

A little over a week after graduation, I moved to Chicago into Kristin’s apartment and took over. Okay, only her couch. And part of her dresser. And closet. And fridge.

For real guys. I slept on the couch for the whole summer. Much to the dismay of people at work.
I, on the other hand, like to think of it as the perfect 10 week post-college experience. I will, however, be purchasing myself a bed upon finding my new home. Like promptly. And might refuse to make it for a month, considering I have literally taken the sheet off every morning and put it back on every night for seventy one days. Seventy-one days. I could get a job at a hotel except you can’t bounce any coins off my haphazard attempt at couch-making. My back, this week has been telling me that perhaps it’s time to invest in something less slanted.
But back to the roommate part.
We’ve gone on numerous walks to the lake, explored Chicago, tried new restaurants, had Sunday night dinners, watched the Olympics, attended neighborhood festivals, gotten ice cream (for lunch!) and more. Not only did she put up with my craziness this summer but we were actually roommates for a year at RIT AND the summer before that. Seriously. She deserves a prize.


It’s been a terrific summer and I can’t thank her enough for sharing her apartment & being someone around to hang out with! Fortunately for Kristin – she has now landed herself a permanent couch spot in Brooklyn (when I locate one) whenever she finds herself in that area.